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As we continue to expand our services and grow the company, we will strive to reduce our environmental impact. In 2020, our head office in Kitchener Ontario became a certified Net Zero Carbon building and we are committed to becoming Carbon Neutral across all operations by 2030.

Our Responsibility to The Community

AET is committed to giving back to the people and places in which we work.  Through environmental stewardship, we continually provide resources throughout our company to support local organizations and charitable events.

We are committed to conducting our business in a manner that has a positive impact on the communities in which we live and work.  Our sustainability commitments focus on our ecological, financial and social responsibilities that supports an improved quality of life.

Internal Green Projects

Championed by the Green Team and supported by Senior Management, AET has completed a number of internal green projects to reduce the environmental impacts of our day-to-day activities, services and operations.

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Sustainability In The Workplace

AET has been delivering sustainable solutions for over 25 years.  We are committed to focus our business operations on protecting and enhancing the environment, society and the economy.  AET’s Sustainability Team leads the company’s sustainability initiatives in the workplace to reduce our environmental footprint and impacts.

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Corporate Sustainable Responsibility

At AET Group, sustainability means to survive and prosper, to create more value than we consume, and to fulfill our present needs within the carrying capacity of our planet, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

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Sustainable Waterloo Region

AET is proud to be a member of the Regional Sustainability Initiative, which is a voluntary carbon reduction framework led by Sustainable Waterloo Region (SWR).

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Sustainable Development Goals

In 2020, AET’s Sustainability Team began the process of aligning our company with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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1% For The Trees

As a company committed to being green and giving back, AET is planting trees throughout the local communities to make the world a greener place for all of us to live.

  • 12,079

    Trees Planted

  • 760,011

    Kilograms of CO2 Absorbed

  • 1,045,015

    Kilograms of O2 Produced

  • 24,158

    People Can Breathe Clean Air

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