Quantification of Commercial Institutions GHG Emissions
Location: BC, Canada
Client: Province of British Columbia
Date: 2018
Currently, the data in the British Columbia (BC) Provincial Inventory Report for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy consumption in Commercial-Institutional buildings is provided via a ‘top-down’ approach using data from the Canadian National Inventory Report. The ‘top-down’ approach used for the National Inventory Report is adequate when used at the coarse national-scale. However, at the provincial-scale concerns with data accuracy and methodological transparency limit its applicability for programs and policies such as monitoring progress against provincial GHG reduction targets. The Province of BC contracted AET Group to develop a methodology for improved quantification of commercial-institutional GHG emissions in the Provincial Inventory Report.
AET Group conducted a benchmarking assessment of approaches used for quantification of commercial-institutional GHG in other jurisdictions and performed a review of existing data sources available in BC. This information was used to develop an improved methodology for quantifying BC’s commercial-institutional GHG that has an increased emphasis on ‘bottom-up’ approaches.