Species at Risk, Natural Resources Survey, Assessment and Management
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Client: Ernestown Windpark LP
Date: 2010 – 2011
AET was retained as the lead environmental consultant to undertake a Natural Heritage Assessment (NHA) and Water Body Assessment (WBA) as part of a Renewable Energy Approval (REA) application for a proposed wind farm near Kingston, Ontario adjacent to Lake Ontario. The study area comprised of significant woodlands and wetlands, alvar, stream valley’s and species at risk habitat.
Field studies were conducted to assess aquatic, terrestrial and wetland habitats and biota. Long-term monitoring and assessment of bird and bat habitat and activity following federal and provincial protocols was an essential component of the baseline study. Species-specific bird surveys targeted suitable habitats and occurrences for rare grassland birds in conjunction with the federal and provincial Species at Risk (SAR) legislation.