GHG Verification and Validation Services
AET is an accredited Validation and Verification Body under ISO 14065 by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). For more information, visit our Accreditation page.
Verification is the process for evaluating a claim/environmental information statement based on historical data and information to determine whether the claim is materially correct and conforms with specified requirements.
Validation is a process that evaluates the reasonableness of assumptions, limitations, and methods that support a claim/environmental information statement about the outcome of future activities.

Our Verification and Validation process is fairly simple and includes the following steps:

Why is GHG verification/validation important?
Stakeholders are increasingly using GHG data to influence their decisions, and as a result there is a growing demand for third-party verification and assurance that an organization’s reported GHG data are quantifiable, credible, and accurate. This would give your stakeholders and regulatory bodies confidence on the credibility of your data and reporting.
We have engaged with and offered verification services to numerous clients in a range of industry sectors: