AET’s Waste Services Team is a recognized leader in the waste industry. From waste management planning to independent verifications to waste characterization and composition studies, our waste services team specializes in providing planning, auditing and management solutions backed by a strong foundation of operational expertise and industry knowledge.
Solid waste impacts everyone in many ways including direct and indirect environmental impacts, public health concerns, resource use, and costs. Building on a successful track record in waste characterization, auditing, monitoring and planning, AET provides feasible solutions that maintain environmental protection and compliance within government regulations.
AET’s Waste Team is a recognized leader in undertaking comprehensive waste management projects for all levels of government, institutions and private organizations. Such work typically includes: detailed analyses of waste generation and waste composition from the residential, industrial, commercial and institutional sectors; development of waste diversion strategies; evaluation of existing waste programs; and an assessment of existing waste management infrastructure. With experience in virtually every aspect of solid waste management, AET specializes in providing feasibility, design, system planning and management services backed by a strong foundation of operational expertise and knowledge.
- Waste Audits, Surveys, and Inventories
- O.Reg. 102/94 Waste Audits
- EPR Reporting
- Waste Composition Studies
- Litter Audits
- MRF Quality Specification Studies, Equipment Optimization, and Performance Testing
- Packaging Audits
- Waste Management Planning
- Waste Diversion Program Design and Implementation
- Waste Management Training
- Landfill and Transfer Station Material Process Studies
- Public Consultation and Monitoring
- Pilot Program Design and Monitoring
- Waste Characterization and Profiling
- 3rd Party Verification Audits
- Material Mass Balance Studies
Contact your Service Manager today!

William Baird
Waste Audit Manager
519-576-9723 ext. 313